Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Where do you get your knowledge?

I'm sure most of you have heard by now of these white house sponsored websites dedicated to debunking "myths" related to healthcare legislation that Obama has recently been pushing. Luckily our friends at and Americans United for Life (AUL) are keeping a watchful eye and providing witness to the myths that the government is trying to push. Take some time to visit Stop the Abortion Mandate's fact guide and AUL's own investigation into the truth about abortion in healthcare.

In a time where the media (in general) tends to simply regurgitate whatever the government wants them to say it is important to thoroughly check the sources of the news you get to establish credibility and a deeper understanding of the knowledge you acquire.

In my rush to post I almost forgot to include a link to the independent fact checking website: Here's their article regarding abortion in the new healthcare legislation.

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